Flagship Products

Adipic Acid

BASF is the only manufacturer of Adipic Acid in Korea and realizes customer's value, based on superior quality and stable logistics. We will strive to meet your needs as the largest agent of BASF's Adipic Acid.

COA MSDS(Korean) MSDS(English)


GloryGlobal is Korean distributor of the most competitive manufacturer in the world We supply 72% and 100% purity products.

COA MSDS(Korean) MSDS(English)
COA MSDS(Korean) MSDS(English)

Performance Fiber

Germany DOMO is the worldwide largest performance fiber manufacturer, with 60 years of experience. DOMO delivers customer satisfaction by providing highly superior quality and a range of products that no company can approach.

MSDS(Korean) MSDS(English)


CAC is one of only 2 producers of MXDA in the world. GloryGlobal is the CAC's exclusive distributor in Korea. We will strive to ensure stable supply of high quality products to your company.

COA MSDS(Korean) MSDS(English)

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